Announcing the first meeting of the proposed TSYC Cigar Club. This will be open to novice, casual, or afficionado cigar enthusiast. Since the Tampa area has the largest number of cigar lounges and home to the oldest premium factory in the United States, it is the perfect location to enjoy the benefits.
The proposed format would include speakers from local cigar distributors, lounges, and liqour distributors. We can visit longues, the factory, or attend the Big Smoke at the Clermont Tobacco Farm. We would feature a program each meeting with information on subjects as:
How to choose the cigar for you.
Cutting and the proper lighting of the cigar
Smoking cigar and cigar linuge etquette
pariing with favoite libartion allowing the enjoyment to be appreicated
Non-alchoolic pairings
Planning tours, trips to the cigar longeus and mroe.
Location: Tiki Bar Patio
Cigar of the Evening: Hoya De Monterrery - Rojo and Oscuro (New Release), Karen Berger “K” series.
Pairing of the Evening: To be annouced (Brand name whiskey or scotch)
Cost: $25 per person (includes 2 cigars)
MAKE RESERVATIONS BY CALL/TEXT: David at (813) 774 - 1748, or click here!