Tarpon Springs Yacht Club was founded in April 1949 by a group of boaters and business and civic leaders from our community. Meetings were originally held in the Upham House Hotel until land could be purchased to build a clubhouse.

In 1954 financing was obtained and a clubhouse and docks were built and the club was incorporated. During the first year, our burgee was designed with a white tarpon on a blue field and a ships wheel in red for a more nautical appearance. An auxiliary called the “Windjammers” was formed and their fundraising efforts were instrumental in helping the club move ahead.

Tarpon Springs Yacht Club is proud to be among the original thirteen Florida yacht clubs who in 1960, formed what is known today as the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs (FCYC). This representative body was formed to encourage the sport of yachting, and general club activities, to promote safety afloat, to encourage reciprocity between qualified yacht clubs and to promote beneficial legislation. Today 36 clubs are represented in the FCYC.

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Todd Tanner

Todd Tanner


It shall be the duty of the Commodore to preside at all meetings and to act as Chairman of the Board of Directors; set the agenda; to call special meetings as may be necessary; to nominate all committee members for acceptance, vote, and approval by the Board, except as herein provided, who shall hold their appointments at the pleasure of the Commodore, but not exceeding the term of office of the Commodore; to see that the provisions of the Charter and By-laws are strictly adhered to and that order is preserved at all times. The Commodore shall be responsible for proper management of the Club under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The Commodore shall act as personnel director over all employees and supervise food and beverage handling through the General Manager. The Commodore shall administer reciprocal agreements with other yacht clubs as approved by the Board of Directors.

Stan Rogers

Stan Rogers

Vice Commodore

The Vice-Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the Administration of the Club. During any absence of the Commodore, the Vice-Commodore shall assume the duties of the Commodore until relieved by the Commodore or the Board of Directors. The Vice-Commodore shall be chairman of the House and Grounds Committee.



Rear Commodore

The Rear Commodore shall assist all superior officers in the discharge of their duties, and perform the duties of the Commodore when both superior officers are absent or unable to perform. The Rear-Commodore shall have the responsibility for the Membership Committee.

Jennifer Cutting

Jennifer Cutting


The Treasurer shall be custodian of all monies of the Club and shall deposit the same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors; collect and receive all monies due the Club; approve the payment of bills and obligations of the Club; make periodic reports to the Board of Directors of receipts and disbursements and money on hand; establish and maintain an inventory of the Club’s capital assets and shall perform such duties as are normal to this office. A satisfactory bond may be required by the Board of Directors, the cost of said bond to be paid by the Club. The Treasurer shall be Chairman of the Finance Committee.




The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Board of Directors and a record of the meetings of the Club and shall maintain a file thereof. The Secretary shall distribute the agenda to the Board prior to each meeting; keep a correct roll of the members, their addresses and dates of their election to membership; conduct the correspondence of the Club; send out notices of meetings; notify members of their election to office and their appointment to serve on committees; and perform such other duties as are normal to this office. The Secretary shall have custody of the Corporate Seal and all records and documents connected with the proceedings of the Club and shall report to the Board of Directors the names of any members not in good standing



Fleet Captain

The Fleet Captain shall be Chairman of the Regatta Committee and supervise such other yachting and water activities as the Commodore shall direct. The Fleet Captain shall be a member of the Entertainment Committee.



Dock Master

The Dock Master shall supervise the activities of the Dock Committee which includes but is not limited to: (1) shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the docks (2) prepare and enforce contracts for lease of dock space, insure documentation for each vessel using the docks as required by law and Club regulations, post a current register of lessees and carry out such other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Board of Directors. (3) shall coordinate with the Fleet Captain who will establish a Regatta Committee to arrange regattas of sail or power vessels and establish liaison with other clubs when appropriate.